Video games

Sadly We relapsed again to Overwatch

We relapsed again…. Damn you OverWatch         OverWatch, we meet each other once again. It’s not the first time, won’t be the last time with such an enticing roster of characters. Writing this now and daydreaming of Genji, Reinhardt, Brigitte, and Hanzo gives me a little high by simply thinking of playing…

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Worth my time: Animal crossing

Worth My Time: Animal Crossing New Horizons          This week we switch things up a bit and do a review on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Reviews should answer one simple question, is this worth my time? It doesn’t matter how many checkboxes a game checks if it isn’t able to be worth…

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Physical vs digital media

Is Physical or Digital Media Better? If Microsoft spent more time on this question during the release of the Xbox One then perhaps they wouldn’t have been bodied by Sony during the reveal of the PS4 at E3. As technology is ever-changing, timing is crucial when making the jump into the new technological wave. Unfortunately…

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PuebloPanda Podcast: DLC and Microtransactions

Episode 2: DLC & Micro-Transactions DLC and Micro-transactions are a big contributor to the gaming industry and they’re going to be around for the foreseeable future whether we like it or not. Although can you really blame the industry when the prices have stayed the same for about a decade? At the end of the…

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PuebloPanda Podcast: growing up with video games

Pandamonium Podcast: Growing Up With Video Games Tobin and I dive into growing up with video games on this Pandamonium Podcast. Video games have made a large impact on my life growing up and still play a large role in my life today. Video games have played such a large role that I couldn’t imagine…

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