Dungeons & Dragons with dungeon Daddy Donovan

Dungeons & Dragons comes to the PuebloPanda Podcast!

        We have the honor this week of having my good friend Donovan on the podcast! Donovan helped expand my taste in many areas from books, comics, movies, Dungeons & Dragons, plus much more. There are so many hidden gems that don’t get the spotlight that they deserve but luckily for me, they haven’t gone unnoticed by Dungeon Daddy Donovan. 

        If you have any interest in Dungeons & Dragons then this episode is for you. Some of the topics we cover are;

  • How do you stay true to your character?
  • Do you make decisions to help the Dungeon Master?
  • What techniques do you use to handle the challenges of DM’ing? 
Dungeons & Dragons minis

        Even if you’ve never played, this podcast gives you a good glimpse of how in-depth these campaigns can adventure in. For seasoned vets, having a campaign go for years isn’t a surprise but that may come as a shock for those not familiar. To up your game further (or to have a blast) check out Donovan’s content! Be sure to follow his Instagram as they’ll be dropping content soon.

        I hope you guys enjoy the episode! As always, be sure to check out our previous episodes here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting us and listening to the podcast!

About the Author
Podcast host of the PuebloPanda Podcast. Video game, comic, movie enthusiast.