Film & Editing with Rodney Hooks

Special Guest, Rodney Hooks!

        We have another special guest this week, Rodney Hooks! Rodney and I discuss his techniques in his film & editing process. Rodney is a man of many talents including martial arts, cosplaying, filming, editing, & so much more. You can find his Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter by following the hyperlinks.

        Getting started typically appears to be the hardest part of any process. There are so many variables to consider which can easily overwhelm anyone. Rodney helps me take a look at where he drew inspiration and how he got started on his filmmaking journey. If you have any inclination on wanting to start filming, this podcast is for you!

        Rodney has been a great deal of inspiration for me in regards to growing confidence and pursuing my passion. I’m excited to see where his creative endeavors carry him and I hope you all enjoy the podcast! Be sure to give my man a follow on all his platforms so you can say you knew him before the millions of followers came. If you like this episode, be sure to check out our other recordings here!

About the Author
Podcast host of the PuebloPanda Podcast. Video game, comic, movie enthusiast.