Episode 4: Son Of The Black Sword

Why should you read this? Because two dudes on the internet say it’s a pretty solid book…. yeah, I’d need more than just that too. Luckily for you, reviews across the board have been positive for this series from many reviewers.  Having never read any of Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter Novels, I came in with a blank slate. The only piece of information I had was the main protagonist (Ashok) was similar to the hero Geralt from the Witcher series. Having heard that, I was sold but was surprised to like other characters more than Ashok. Who could it be? Well, listen in and find out! Tobin and I dive into this podcast to explore the interesting points that came to our minds. If there’s any material we didn’t cover and you’d like to hear our thoughts, be sure to comment or reach out to us so we can do a better job in the future. Hope you enjoy!

About the Author
Podcast host of the PuebloPanda Podcast. Video game, comic, movie enthusiast.